We’re the Pan Blockchain Association, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, with members across Europe. Our group includes entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts in trading, law, and finance, all working together to advance decentralized finance.
The only decision intelligence platform in cybersecurity with seamless integration in your workflow
Transforming SOC Dynamics: Bridging Gaps in AI-Human Collaboration
Current SOC practices heavily depend on human experts for decision-making. Despite automation, escalating threats strain cybersecurity teams, heightening the risk of breaches.
Arcanna.ai: The Decision Intelligence Platform
The sole decision intelligence AI platform dedicated to enhancing human decisions in the SOC, agnostic to the tools and processes utilized by the analyst team.
Enjoy daytime beach activities, and refreshing cocktails on more than 200 meters of pristine sandy beach, overlooking the clear waters of the Bulgarian Black Sea. At night, world class DJs, live performances, and themed parties turn Hacienda Beach into one of the liveliest night clubs on the Southern coast of Bulgaria. Our friendly and professional staff is committed to providing you the best summer beach experience in Bulgaria.
The genesis behind the BattlePass Studio concept lays in several unsuccessful startups and lots of missed opportunities. Some say that failing is a sure path to success. We tend to admit that. Making mistakes and learning the hard way proved to us that there should be a better way of building businesses.
As a venture builder, we joined forces with specialists and companies offering the full spectrum of knowledge & services new companies need. We have created a unique model of cooperation between the BattlePass Core Team, the Advisory Team, and the BP Business Network to provide the right tools our teams need to survive. By doing so we rapidly reduce the startups’ failure rate and we help founders learn faster and more cost-effectively.
Why do we call BP a “startup studio”?
The startup studio model is designed to bridge the gap between ideas, knowledge, and capital. And do it fast!
Compared to the accelerators’ model it offers deeper engagement and a longer partnership between the venture builder and startups’ teams. Startup Studios are focused on delivering some specific services and smart capital in the very early stages of a startup, compared to the VCs who feel comfortable investing in companies with a proven model and some traction. The studio is often listed as a co-founder and acts as one.
Вярваме ли в себе си? Осъзнаваме ли какво можем да постигнем и да дадем на света? Отказахме ли се да се борим?
Уморихме ли се да мечтаем?
Това са въпросите, с които започва едно търсене. И едно предизвикателство.
Предизвикателството да откриваме позитивните и зареждащи истории, които дават нужната искрица, нужната енергия за всеки един от нас да създава и постига мечтите си.
Създадохме #Selfmade с целта да бъдем защитник на позитивната гледна точка и непресъхващ източник на вдъхновение, от което всеки човек се нуждае.
Правим това, като показваме в дълбочина личностите, които преминават през трънливия път към собственото щастие и удовлетворение от постигнатото. Не използваме често думата “успех”, защото той е променлива величина и няма обективен начин за измерване. Предпочитаме да говорим за мисия, постижения, признание, създаване, принос, цел.